Graduation is quickly approaching! The kids will be getting graduation t-shirts and yearbooks free of cost. The shirts will be royal blue with white designs. In my opinion, the students should save the signing for their yearbook and not write all over their graduation shirts. If you are okay with your child having their friends sign their shirts please let them or me know. I would prefer they save the signatures and messages for their yearbook so they an keep their shirts nice.
They will get their yearbooks and t shirts at graduation on the 12th of June. There will also be a refreshments after graduation. You will have an opportunity to stay for a bit after graduation to take pictures and enjoy some snacks with your child. If you plan to dismiss them your child for the day after graduation you have to go to the office and sign them out. Please let me know in advance so I can have them all packed up and their report card ready.
We will be having a celebration in class on the last day if your child chooses to stay. We will send home a sheet to write if you would like to sent in a treat. There will also be the fifth grade clap out in the afternoon on the last day. Any questions feel free to email me with any questions!!
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